Saxo Bank Coupons & Promo Codes

Up to 3.55% interest on uninvested cash

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Earn up to 3.55% interest on uninvested cash and enjoy...More

Earn up to 3.55% interest on uninvested cash and enjoy exclusive events with Saxo’s VIP tier rewards. Less

Deposit of SGD 300,000+ or a higher trading volume

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Open a Platinum account with a deposit of SGD 300,000+...More

Open a Platinum account with a deposit of SGD 300,000+ or a higher trading volume. Enjoy tighter spreads and better commissions. Less

New Account? Savings of Over 25% Investing

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Open a new Saxo account and get upgraded to the...More

Open a new Saxo account and get upgraded to the Platinum account tier. Enjoy savings of over 25% when investing with Platinum pricing. Less